Alpha Gamma Rho’s Alpha Theta Chapter at the University of Maryland placed a special emphasis on the use of practical and durable building materials, finishes, and fixtures in their renovation plans. The aim is a high-quality, durable facility that will provide a safe living and learning environment. Their successful fraternity fundraising efforts provided for:

  • Complete renovation of second and third floors with extensive renovation of main floor and basement kitchen and dining

  • Increase the house capacity to 32 residents

  • Provide ample  individual and group study space, including wireless Internet access throughout the facility

  • Replace and reconfigure the main staircase to the second and third floors to meet fire safety requirements

  • Raise a portion of rear roof to accommodate new stairway, expanded bath, and additional residence rooms on third floor

  • Renovate second and third floor bathrooms and modify first floor andbasement bathrooms for ADA compliance

  • Renovate kitchen and add 24/7 food and beverage availability

  • Replace house HVAC system

  • Install a fire suppression system, alarm system, and comply with current code specifications